Extend your Range: Advanced Diver Training
If you want to get beyond recreational limits, move a bit faster, stay longer, go deeper, enter caves, dive on your own, you need some specialized training. It is possible, for sure, but it is not for everyone. You need to be really confident in the water, and you really have to be able to say no when this is not the day you want to do it.
If you are ready for it, we offer a variety of specialties that will give you an insight in technical diving and provide you with the skills and knowledge to explore a wider range of divesites.
If you are ready for it, we offer a variety of specialties that will give you an insight in technical diving and provide you with the skills and knowledge to explore a wider range of divesites.
Extended Range Nitrox
You want to dive with your normal equipment, don't carry too much, but still stay a bit longer and extend the time at depth? Or you just want to know a bit more about decompression, understand how to create reasonable safe deep dive profiles, and do dives including some deco stops?
Then the course you need to do that is the XR Nitrox Diver. In this course, we stay at a safe recreational diving depth of 40 meters, but we will extend the bottom time and do up to 15 minutes deco. To make our way up nice and safe, we will carry a small extra cylinder and use Nitrox50 on our way up, to gain some extra security. |
Extended Range Foundations
If you have never dived wih a twinset, have only been in a warm water recreational configuration, and think about getting into technical diving - then you probably should take this introduction to tech diving before starting the Extended Range course.
In the foundations course, you will learn about equipment configuration, get used to diving in a twinset and learn the basic skills. There is no kneeling on the ground anymore, for absolutely no reason, so getting your trim and your buoyancy perfect will be in the focus of this course, along with basic abilities. You can do this course as a preparation for technical diving, or just out of curiosity about diving with this equipment. It will definitly help you to become a better diver. |
Extended Range
The divers with twinset, Stage tank, long hose, all in black tend to look a bit like astronauts - but for the kind of dives they do, this is just the necesary equipment. Once you want to leave the limitations of recreational diving, you need to carry an extra safety on gases, and redundancy in every important part of gear. But even with all this heavy equipment - no worries, this is not just for superheroes. In the water, it is not that heavy anymore, and a healthy, calm diver with good buoyancy can learn to dive like this.
The Extended Range Diver is the first step into the world of technical diving. You will use a twinset with backplate and wing, learn to configurate your equipment as safe and easy to use, and get used to diving it. We will do two dives in shallow water to train how to dive with your new gear, and six dives down to a maximum of 45 meter, including one gas change and accelerated decompression. |
Independent Diver (Solo Diver)
Normally, it is way more fun to dive with a buddy. Unless he is a photoghrapher and just does not care abour anything else than his picture, or a person you don't know before and turns out to follow the fishes rather then you....
If you want to be prepared for this kind of situations, or able to go for a dive on your own when you need it, the self reliant diver course gives you the proper training to be safe on your own. You will learn how to use a redundant air supply and other essential equipment, how to be aware about your dive plan, and how to solve problems on your own.
This course is for experienced divers with a minimum of 100 logged dives only. Before starting, we will do a dive to check if your abilities are on the level which is needed to do this step.
If you want to be prepared for this kind of situations, or able to go for a dive on your own when you need it, the self reliant diver course gives you the proper training to be safe on your own. You will learn how to use a redundant air supply and other essential equipment, how to be aware about your dive plan, and how to solve problems on your own.
This course is for experienced divers with a minimum of 100 logged dives only. Before starting, we will do a dive to check if your abilities are on the level which is needed to do this step.
Cavern Diver
The large Lava tunnels invite even beginners to just swim in, and in fact, it is possible to dive them without a lot of special training. But they give us an excellent opportunity to prepare you for some more serious cavern diving, and do things the way they should be done.
The Cavern Diving Speciality is a short introduction to Cave Diving. You will learn about the differences in Open Water and Cave Equipment, understand the risks and the limits of cavern diving, train propulsion techniques that avoid to stir up the ground and learn to handle a reel and set up a guideline. All this whilst you explore our amazing Caverns in four training dives. |
DPV - Scooter Diving
How often did it happen to you, that you reach the most interesting point of the dive just when it is time to turn around?
To get rid of some distance limitations, using a scooter is a very nice option. Our SUEX XJOY 7 Scooters are really powerful machines, which can run for an hour with a speed of 55 meters per minute - enough to cover distances you could not even dream of reaching kicking with even the best fins.... And: moving with a scooter is absolutely relaxed. It pulls you, you just float without any effort, and enjoy what you see. Whenever you want to have a closer look, you just stop, stay around the place you want to discover, and the scooter floats behind without disturbing, until you want to continue your way. We will start to train in shallow water, and then move on to do two full Scooter dives. You will learn all the necesary safety procedures, so after finishing, you will be able to go for Scooter dives and explore the still unknown parts of the island. |
Extended Range FoundationsTraining to use Twinset or Mono tank in Tek configuration
Prerequisites: AOWD and Nitrox certification Duration: 2 days (3 dives) Extended RangePrerequisites: 18 years, Deep and Nitrox certification, minimum 50 dives
Duration: 5 days (2 confined dives, 6 OPen Water dives) Dives to a maximum depth of 45m with one gas change and accelerated decompression Must be done in a technical diving configuration Independent DiverPrerequisites: 18 years, 75 dives, Stress & Rescue, experience in navigation, deep and night diving
Duration: 2 days (4 dives) Cavern DiverDuration: 2 days (4 dives)
per Training Dive 80 € plus SSI Digital Kit |